February 27, 2013

Willow Rosenberg

dress by Unif + crop top from American Apparel

I've been watching a lot of Buffy lately (and by a lot I mean the entire series twice) so it's pretty obvious that Willow Rosenberg would become my style icon at some point. I originally bought this dress only because it reminded me of the dress Willow wore in the pilot episode. Clearly I've modified that outfit to make it more Ashlee but I feel like I achieved a 90's vibe. Now if I could only achieve Alyson Hannigan's level of cuteness...

February 12, 2013


beanie by Dimepice, pullover by Boy London, shoes by Unif

Sometimes you reach a point where you stop being bitter about love and decide to embrace the adorable heart-shaped everything holiday that is Valentine's day. Of course I don't have a date and won't be spending the day or evening with the boy of my dreams (can you hear me Harry Styles?), but I do have a day full of plans I'm actually excited about. So to all my fellow single ladies: Get out of bed.  Put on your favorite pink dress and red lipstick. Buy yourself a bag of candy hearts and a bottle of pink champagne. Turn on or go see a horror movie (ok this might just be my idea of a perfect Valentine's but if you really think about it, it's quite fitting). Celebrate the fact that you don't have someone tying you down (seriously gals, take a closer look at half the people who are in relationships).

February 10, 2013

blogging is hard :(

jacket + shirt + shoes by Unif, glasses by Prada, leggings from Target

I obviously suck at blogging which is something I hope to get better at this year. I'm going to try to convince someone to help me make my blog pretty because I believe that would motivate me to post more. Until then I'll try to post at least once a week, most likely outfits or photos from recent shoots. I have really great intentions of posting my thoughts and inspirations but I can never finish anything. You should see the amount of drafts I have saved.